Exploring the Original Journey for Transformation, Creation & Renewal
Guided by Clara Nisiri
As we navigate the great transformation occurring on planet Earth, we are being called to return to the Sacred Way.
To a higher understanding of who we truly are and of our place here in the vast interconnected web of Creation.
THE CHOICES WE MAKE now will determine the course of our lives and the lives of many coming generations of all beings on MOTHER Earth.
Now that the portals are open for great accelerated transformation to occur, for us to step into our highest potential and make a difference in the trajectory we’re on…
let us imagine and create the extraordinary, enchanted life of magic and connection we long for. One that so many seem to have forgotten.
It is up to those of us who do remember, to anchor this way back into our collective consciousness and expand the ripple of that clarity and direction that has been lost.
Imagine embodying your authentic self, alive with joy and deeply understanding and trusting the language of the Universe.
What if we could collectively hold the vision and frequency of this new dawning, in community, with ease and a sense of peace, KNOWING that we are on the right track…

This is our time, to remember our mythical essence and reclaim our sovereign place in our personal sphere and in the infinite Cosmos.
Our time to remember who we are
To re-kindle the spark of our divinity!
To reclaim our essence as sovereign beings
To heal and dream into being a world of peace and unity
It is time for us to re-imagine ourselves and show up in our Earth community, as empowered creator beings. We all play an important part!
In ALL of the first nations’ traditions it is known and taught that Life is to be honoured and respected above all things. The Universal Life Force that flows through us and through all beings on Earth. It is our most sacred responsibility to support and protect it. And it is an honour to be entrusted with this mission!
It is these first nations that have also taught us about the Wisdom Wheel or Medicine Wheel. The wheel of LIFE! So that we may remember what it is to truly LIVE again and expand into the fullest possibilities we came here to experience. That is a big part of how we will support and protect the Universal Life Force!
In these unprecedented times of prophecy and challenges we face, we have a beautiful opportunity to remember this ancient vehicle that can help us navigate life and harness the potency of this age we are in.
And now you have the opportunity to co-create and master
Through this experiential embodied journey we can remember who we are, empower ourselves and others, and awaken to the life of joy and expansiveness that is our birthright.
A kind of sovereignty and level of understanding we have not known for a very long time here on our Sacred Earth.
If more and more of us return to this ORIGINAL STORY, we have the power to shift things in a tremendous way and at a cosmic scale!
THE Dreamer’s Wisdom Wheel
During these 5 sessions you will receive guidance from the Quantum Field, your own Spirit Allies, and both your personal and the collective Dreamtime, to deepen in your journey of personal transformation and empowerment in a gentle and expansive way. Strengthen your Intuition and the power of your Intention! You will learn to use the ancient vehicle of the Wisdom Wheel to explore challenges that may be holding you back in some area of your life or presenting an obstacle in some way, to find resolution.
Learn shamanic practices, work with your dreams, explore through creative expression and ritual constellations, for a re-enchanted, magical experience of life that is our birthright.
At the end you will have your own personal Dreamer’s Wisdom Wheel to move forward with and return to any time you need.
Session 1
Introduction to the Wisdom Wheel & Meeting the Direction of the South
The Dreamer’s Wisdom Wheel as the Cosmic Womb, a Universal vehicle for transformation and creation
We begin to track our dreams for the journey ahead
Working with our Imagination
Understanding the energies of the direction of the South
Journey to meet our Nature Allies for this direction
Exploring Fear in our personal and family narratives
Ritual Constellation to see what the direction of the South wants to share with us
Session 2
Welcoming & Dreaming into the Direction of the West
Understanding the Under, Middle and Upper Worlds in relation to us
Understanding the energies of the direction of the West
Journey to meet our own Nature Allies for this direction
Exploring Courage
Dream Incubation and other dream techniques
Ritual Constellation to see what the direction of the West wants to share with us
Session 3
Welcoming & Dreaming into the Direction of the North
Meeting the Chakana
Understanding the energies of the direction of the North
Journey to meet our Nature Allies for this direction
Exploring our relationship to Power
Nightmares & distressing dreams
Ritual Constellation to see what the direction of the South wants to share with us
Session 4
Welcoming & Dreaming into the Direction of the East
Co-creating with Spirit
Understanding the energies of the direction of the East
Journey to meet our own Nature Allies for this direction
Finding Clarity
Exploring your personal symbols
Ritual Constellation to see what the direction of the West wants to share with us
Session 5
Through the Portal - Coming to Stillness at the Centre
Working with Intention
Journey to the Centre
Exploring our relationship to Stillness and a new Heightened Awareness
Completing your personal Dreamer’s Wisdom Wheel as a tool you can use going forward
It is recommended that you allow at least 2 weeks (more if you like) for the suggested work between sessions. Some time between each session will allow you to deepen into the practices and build on each one to integrate it into your life in a way that feels more spacious.
Although the wheel moves in a different direction based on which hemisphere you’re in (and you’re welcome to apply your own), we will be working in a clockwise direction for this cycle.
Prime Creator said to these extensions of itself, “Go out and create and bring all things back to me.” … In other words, Prime Creator was saying, “I am going to gift you of myself. You go out and gift of yourselves freely so that all you create in this universe can understand its essence as my identity.”
— Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians, channeled by Barbara Marciniak
Regular price: 333€
Currently at 40% OFF!
In this beautiful immersion, you will be supported in:
reaching a new level of understanding of your multiple dimensions, inner and outer, through embodied and experiential practices that are both expansive and empowering.
cultivating your intuition, deep listening and use of intention, tapping into the quantum field to discover our multidimensionality
developing deep seeing and creative visualisation
co-creating with the other dimensions your own personal Dreamer’s Wisdom Wheel as a guide and oracular tool to come back to any time you need
understanding the Wisdom Wheel as a vehicle for transformation and creation, and the energies of each direction as aspects of our inner and outer experience
working with our dreams, our personal symbology and Nature allies
exploring our emotional, physical and spiritual experience throughout the process
creating meaning and magic to infuse your own personal and our collective myth and story!
bringing into focus any situations that may be holding you back, to shift perspective and find clarity on the way forward
moving toward a YES to life where before you may have been feeling stagnation or contraction, in order to bring forth your gifts into the world! Because you are needed!
You will also receive practical tools to support your journey, such as:
🌟 a printable workbook
🌟 a Dreamer’s Wisdom Wheel diagram to print out, work and build on
🌟 audio & video recordings are provided for you to download and keep
I look forward to sharing Sacred Space and this powerful journey with you in
The Dreamer’s Wisdom Wheel
Wishing you abundant blessings,
Clara Nisiri
“When Grandmother Spider wove the web of Creation, she created Snowflakes to represent the webs of dreams that would travel from the Dreamtime to Earth, becoming living, physical experiences....
I was preserved in frost so that my passage through your life would not go unnoticed. You must record the purpose of my role in nature so that every Child of Earth will know how her or his dreams and visions aid the spiritual growth of the whole Planetary Family.
Mother, every one of the Children of Earth has feelings and dreams according to his or her place in the scheme and balance of nature. When combined, all of those dreams and feelings make up the needs of the Children of Earth. The snowflakes are the messengers of those needs because our bodies hold the patterns of each individual dream.”
The 13 Original Clan Mothers, by Jamie Sams