Welcome, Alkhemical Dreamer!
It is time for us to embody our fullest potential,
to dream our reality into being and become

your one
wild & precious
life is calling…
what will you do with it?
…to meet your ancestors and receive their gifts, for deeper insights into your own life and the way forward.
…to know that all this is possible through your own body and intuition.
…to have clear guidance from your dreams and the imaginal realm, which to help you face what is overwhelming and holding you back.
…to no longer repeat the same kind of relationships.
…to have ease and flow with your finances.
…to have clarity and focus on what your next step is in life.
…infusing your life with meaning and contributing to the evolution and bigger picture of our planet.
…resting in the knowing that you belong!
…knowing that all this is possible through embodying your biggest dreams and your vision for humanity.

What if this more expansive, more powerful you is closer than you think?
It is no mistake that you've landed here and are reading this. If you're feeling a "YES!"... trust.
This is the moment everything could begin to change...
Join the Alkhemical Dreamers Community
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Meet Clara Nisiri,
…the creator of Alkhemical Dreaming, which weaves together dreams, family constellations, creative expression, ancestral and Earth wisdom, sacred ritual and more.
Parallel to enjoying a dynamic language career in the world of high-level institutions for the past two decades, and living in several parts of the world, her journey of awakening brought her back to her country of birth, South Africa, to root and realign her rhythm with Mother Earth’s heartbeat, and heed Her call to the sacred work.
She is a student of ancient medicine traditions, of mixed cultural and ancestral lineages, and lives with her beloved and their creature family in the beautiful Garden Route of South Africa, re-learning and re-membering a more empowered, sustainable way of life in communion with Pachamama.
Clara’s mission is to support those on the same path back to living and listening to the magic of Gaia, to reconnect with our multiple inner and outer dimensions, remember our mythical essence and understand and reclaim our sovereign place in both our personal sphere and the infinite Cosmos.
Her prayer is that we all translate the seeds of wisdom into sacred action. And that on our journey forward we keep turning within to our own inner authority, for strength and guidance, and to discern the way forward. May we make this precious existence we have been gifted a living prayer.
Embody your dreams & discover their profound healing & transformative potential.
What you can find at the Alkhemical Dreaming Temple
links coming soon…
Disentangle from difficult ancestral situations that may be affecting you.
Find joy and say YES to life!
Honour what has been, what is and what is to be, through deep intention and co-creating sacred space.

“ …if in deep meditation you watch the dance and listen to the singing, you notice there is something missing. There are very few people participating. This is a problem. The dancing and singing create our physical reality. If mankind does not participate in this creation, then mankind cannot be surprised if the reality that results is uncomfortable for people. Already we see imbalances in the world that adversely affect all of us, and affect much that we care about. Trying to fix these imbalances solely at the physical level will not work. The soul of the earth needs more than that. Our participation is desperately needed on the inner levels if the earth is to be rebalanced.”
— Gareth John